January Installation of Samsung SM482 Flexible Pick and Place Machine

Samsung SM482 Flexible Pick & Place System installed, this time in Manchester area.  Up and running production within 24hours, this must be a new record for us!

It just shows how easy and user friendly these machines are.  So many nice features making them quick and easy to set up:


  • Component Auto Teach.  Machines automatically figures out the size of each component.
  • Feeder Auto Pocket Teach.  Machine automatically checks the component pick up position.
  • Component outline.  Outline of component is overlaid on the camera abouve the PCB when it's loaded in making it easy to check component orientation etc.
  • SMART Feeders.  Just 10 seconds to load a new Tape, easy use of small tape strips and auto splicing so no stoppage time when the feeders are running out, just feed another in and the feeder will slice it!
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